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How do I request medical records?

Information for your own records, or the record of a dependant/family member, can be requested from the Clinical Records service.

Please note: If the request is for the clinical record of a family member who is not a dependant (16 years or under) then that person's consent is required in writing.

The request must be in writing and include the completed Release of Information form [PDF, 573 KB] OR the following information:

  • Patient first name and surname
  • Patient Date of Birth
  • Patient NHI number (if known)
  • Specific details of the information you require including dates of hospital admissions
  • Your name (if not the patient)
  • Your contact number, mailing address and email
  • Proof of identity (drivers licence or passport).

Email or mail the request to the Release of Information Team:

Clinical Records Department

160 Grafton Road

Grafton, Auckland 1010

Private Bag 92024

Auckland 1023

Need help with your record request?

Take a look at the Information Sheet on page 2 of the Release of Information form.

If you need assistance in completing the Release of Information form, or have any questions, please contact the Release of Information team:

  • For urgent requests, phone: (09) 307 4949 ext 22288
  • For non-urgent requests email or mail the above address

Business hours for the Release of Information Team are 9am to 3pm Monday to Friday.