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Clinical Ethics Advisory Group

Clinical practice raises a wide variety of ethical issues that can be difficult for individual clinicians to resolve. The Clinical Ethics Advisory Group can provide support and advice to health professionals on ethical issues arising from clinical practice or patient care. A full summary of the group's discussion is always provided.

The work of the committee falls into four areas:

  1. Giving advice to Te Whatu Ora | Te Toka Tumai Auckland staff on individual cases, team ethical dilemmas and novel treatments.

  2. Providing ethics input into Te Whatu Ora | Te Toka Tumai Auckland's policies and guidelines around patient care.

  3. Facilitating ethics education of health professionals within Te Whatu Ora | Te Toka Tumai Auckland.

  4. Facilitate managing ethical dilemmas with whānau.

Contact us

For any clinical ethics cases/issues, please contact the committee coordinator in the first instance:

Ingrid Northgrave, Committee Co-ordinator, Clinical Ethics Advisory Group,

If you have difficulty in contacting the Committee Co-ordinator, please contact:

Ian Dittmer, Chair, Clinical Ethics Advisory Group,

Fiona Miles, Deputy Chair, Clinical Ethics Advisory Group,

Cases can be added to the agenda of the next Clinical Ethics Advisory Group meeting. Meetings are held on the third Friday of every month. Please contact the Coordinator or Chair for further information.

Please note: URGENT cases can be reviewed at short notice. Teleconference meetings will be set up to ensure these cases are reviewed within 24 hours.