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Aronui Ora

Public Service, Mental Health Service

Aronui Ora, Te Toka Tumai

Aronui Ora (Cloak of wellbeing) was formerly named the Maternal Mental Health Service. The aronui cloak represents the fine weaving of whānau and other supports for emotional wellbeing during pregnancy and the first year of an infant’s life.  Aronui Ora is a specialist adult mental health service, and we are gender inclusive.

Community-based mental health assessment and treatment:  Aronui Ora offers a clinic- and community- based service.  We are a specialist mental health service, offering mental health assessments and treatments, including the development of support plans for the peripartum period (the time before, during and after giving birth).  We offer a range of services including medication prescription, care coordination, individual therapy and psychoeducational groups.  In addition, clients may access specialist inpatient and respite services when necessary.      

Inpatient Consult Liaison:  Aronui Ora offers a consult liaison service to Auckland Central Hospital's Maternity Wards.  The goal of this service is to provide specialist maternal health support and advice whilst a person is an inpatient.

Pre-pregnancy consultation:  
Pre-pregnancy consultations, for specialist medication advice, are available for people prescribed psychotropic medications that may be contraindicated during pregnancy.  Pre-pregnancy consultations may be indicated for people where there is a significant risk of relapse in early pregnancy (e.g. Bipolar Affective Disorder).        

Liaison service for medication advice: 
Our Psychiatrists offer specialist advice to prescribers as needed.  This is accessible via telephone, and does not require a referral. 

Our service is voluntary, and requires the informed consent of the person being referred.  Compulsory assessment and treatment may occur in accordance with the Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992.  

As a teaching and learning environment, we will seek informed consent to permit the presence of a student - this is a request that can be declined.


Mon - Fri: 8:00am - 4:30pm

For urgent matters after hours, please call the Urgent Response Service on 0800 800 717.


Greenlane Clinical Centre

Street address

Ground Floor
Building 15
Greenlane Clinical Centre
214 Greenlane West
Auckland 1051

Postal address

Aronui Ora - Maternal Mental Health Ground Floor, Building 15 Greenlane Clinical Centre Private Bag 92189 Auckland 1142


Phone: (09) 623 4671


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